The Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan gives his first live television broadcast on TV One
By Abari Sankofa
Note: This is the second of two articles promoting the 20th Anniversary of the Million Man March. The third article will be a diary.
Due to the length of Minister Farrakhan's conversation with Martin, The Empowerment Initiative Online Newsletter Blog summarized his conversation to lead to my analysis of what the Minister will say to Black men — as well women, Whites, Indigenous people (Native Americans), Latinos, and Asians during the observance in light of the escalation of problems in America for all races. In later articles, I will state more of Farrakhan's conversation with Martin.
On September 10, 2015, The Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan spoke to Roland Martin, host of NewsOne Now, on his first live television broadcast on TV One. Minister Farrakhan was plain, straightforward, and to the point about the upcoming 20th Anniversary, the Black Lives Matter movement and other topics of interest.
Martin asked Farrakhan if he thought 20 years ago that he would be back having the same conversation about the plight of Black men, Black America, and America in general. Farrakhan said he could not see that far, but noted that it was tragic that "what brought us to the [National] Mall 20 years ago has intensified now … even with the President of America being a Black man! "Now [today], we are suffering greatly."
The prison system, for instance, has disproportionately claimed Black lives, he pointed out: "In that 20 years since the Million Man March, we have the growth of the prison industrial complex." In this respect, Farrakhan was none too kind to former President Bill Clinton — "who we thought was the first Black president," he said. "On his watch, more Black men and women were imprisoned."
Farrakhan stated how important it is for Black men, Black America and the rest of America to wake up and realize that the time is now to push for improving the quality of education, economics, health, the criminal justice system, community development, and life for children and the elderly.
"They [referring to America's government] don't see what times we are in now. ... America will have to pay for what it has done to us, the Native Americans, Hispanics, [and others in America and throughout the world] with [the] wickedness and evil that it has poured out," Farrakhan told Martin.
All who plan to attend "Justice Or Else" must realize it's time for them to take control of their destiny. If not, the conditions that are a threat to America now will get worse.
Hotep, people!
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